Daily Bread|Informed COnsent FAQ
Beginning September 4, Daily Bread Food Bank will ask you to sign your consent for Daily Bread to use your personal information for the purpose of providing you service. We will be helping facilitate this consent process at Oasis Dufferin Food Bank by asking clients to enter their consent on tablets. This will be done during our regular food bank hours on Wednesday from 9:30 am to12:30 pm.
The below FAQ has been provided by Daily Bread Food Bank to answer questions around the process. If you have additional questions, please reach out to Harry or Amy by email.
What does Daily Bread use my information for?
Daily Bread uses your personal information to keep track of client visits and plan where additional food programs are required. We also use information provided to us to understand trends in food bank use. For example, we may say in a report that 10% of food bank clients are seniors so we can advocate for more seniors’ benefits.
Why do you need to know my name, address, and date of birth?
We need your name, address, and date of birth for your client record so we can provide you service. Because people move addresses frequently, having a date of birth helps us make sure we do not have two client records for the same person. For example, we would use date of birth to figure out if John Smith at 123 Avenue is the same person as John Smith at 456 Street.
Who does Daily Bread share my information with?
Daily Bread may share anonymized information with Feed Ontario and Food Banks Canada, as well as other research partners. This information sharing is for the purpose of research and advocacy, so we can advocate for the government policies that benefit clients. We remove any information that could identify you personally before sharing any data with partners.
What kind of research does Daily Bread do?
We use information provided to us through the client intake platform (Link2Feed) to summarize trends in food bank use in our public reports. We do not use any information that could identify you. For example, we do not say John Smith is 67 years old. In our public reports, we may say that 10% of people who came to food banks were over 65 years old.
We do not use the personal information you provide to us in Link2Feed to enroll you in any research studies.
From time to time, we conduct surveys in-person at food banks or advertise research opportunities. These research projects are always optional and have no impact on whether you can get food from the food bank.
Do I have to provide personal information to receive food?
At a minimum, you must provide a name, address, and date of birth for the purpose of service provision. We ask other questions during the initial intake process about your situation, but those are optional to answer. We use these optional questions to understand trends in food bank use so we can advocate to the government for policies that benefit clients.
What if I don’t provide consent?
To provide food service, we need to have a client record for you, and that requires some personal information and a signed consent form. You must have a client record to receive service. If you do not wish to provide your name, address, and date of birth, you will not be eligible to receive food. All other questions are optional and do not impact your food access.
I have multiple people in my household, can I sign for all of them?
Only the primary person on the file or an adult in the household needs to sign consent. If you have other people in your household, you might be asked to provide identification for them to add them to your household file depending on the food bank you attend. We require this information to determine how much food you are eligible for, based on household size, and to ensure that duplicate client files do not exist. We require only a name, address, and date of birth from your household members. All other information is optional.
Is Daily Bread part of the government?
No. Daily Bread is a private registered charity and is not part of any level of government.
Where is Daily Bread’s privacy policy located?
Daily Bread’s privacy policy is available online at: www.dailybread.ca/privacy-policy.
After I sign my consent, what happens if I change my mind?
You can contact Privacy@dailybread.ca if you would like to remove your consent. Withdrawals of consent only take effect from the date of cancellation and cannot be retroactive.
Here’s what we are asking you to sign and agree to on Link2Feed:
I have received and reviewed Daily Bread Food Bank’s written Privacy Policy concerning the collection, use and disclosure of personal information.
I understand that Daily Bread Food Bank is asking for my consent to collect, use and/or disclose my personal information and that of my household members for the purposes of: (1) determining my initial and ongoing eligibility for food assistance and administering my food assistance; (2) for managing and administering Daily Bread Food Bank’s programs and services; and (3) for carrying out research that will assist Daily Bread Food Bank in advocating to eliminate poverty and food insecurity. I understand that Daily Bread Food Bank will only collect, use and disclose my personal information with my consent, unless a particular collection, use or disclosure is permitted or required by law without my consent.
I hereby authorize Daily Bread Food Bank to collect, use and disclose my personal information for the purposes set out above.
In particular, I specifically consent to the release of my personal information to Daily Bread Food Bank and using the Link2Feed software platform, to Feed Ontario and Food Banks Canada.
I understand the purposes for which my personal information is being collected, used and disclosed. I understand that I can refuse to sign this consent form or later withdraw my consent. I understand that withdrawals of consent only take effect from the date of cancellation and cannot be retroactive.
I have read or had read to me and understand the consent set out above.
If you are reading a translation of this agreement in a language other than English, you agree that when you sign and agree to the English version in Link2Feed you agree to the terms therein.