Host your own
The need in our community is greater than ever. In the past year alone, Oasis Dufferin has seen a 200% increase in demand for our food bank. With rising inflation, higher living costs, and fewer social supports, many individuals and families are struggling to put food on the table.
You can make a direct impact. By hosting a fundraiser, you can help us provide food, resources, and critical services to those who need them most. Whether through a food drive, community event, or online fundraiser, your support ensures that Oasis continues to be a place of hope and nourishment.
Download our Fundraising Kit now.
Everything you need to host a successful event in support of Oasis! From food drives to community get-togethers, this guide includes creative ideas, step-by-step instructions, and tips to maximize your impact.

Host a Food Drive
Tell your neighbours and friends you're collecting non-perishable food for Oasis Dufferin Community Centre.
Tell them what you are collecting.
Any non-perishable food items especially proteins like protein drinks, bars, canned meats and soups. Also hygiene products like soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, toilet paper, diapers, menstruation products, etc.
Let them know how they can drop their items off to you.
Pick a location and space that works for you to collect the items and set a deadline for when you'd like items dropped off.
Share that they can also donate a monetary gift.
Donations can also be made through our Canada Helps page . We’ve also included a QR Code on our printable poster in our Host Kit.

Host a Garage Sale or Lemonade Stand
Tell your neighbours and friends you're donating your sales or a percentage of your sales to Oasis Dufferin Community Centre.
Tell them how their donation will help.
Donations will support our weekly programming like our food bank, warm meal programs, as well as our Peer-to-Peer programming and our senior's programs.
Share that they can also donate a monetary gift to get a tax receipt.
Donations can also be made through our Canada Helps page . We’ve also included a QR Code on our printable poster in our Host Kit.

Host a Get-Together
If you're planning a get-together with neighbours and friends, maybe a birthday party, celebration or a park visit, consider raising awareness and support for Oasis.
Tell your neighbours and friends you're raising funds to support Oasis and how they can help.
Donations will support Oasis' weekly programming like our food bank, warm meal programs as well as our Peer-to-Peer programming and our senior's programs.
Set a Fundraising Goal.
Having an idea of what you'd like to raise can motivate people to join in. You can set a goal or offer to match an amount your friends donate. ie. You'll match their donations up to $250.
Share how they can donate online to get a tax receipt.
Donations can also be made through our Canada Helps page . We’ve also included a QR Code on our printable poster in our Host Kit.