Beyond the Food Bank: Reflections on Oasis's Impact

This year, Oasis Dufferin welcomed second-year medical students from the University of Toronto for their Community Based Service Learning module. The students worked with Oasis staff, volunteers, and community members to learn more about the needs of people in our network, and how best to serve them. Below, the students offer their insight on the past year of working at Oasis Dufferin and share their experiences of working with—and being a part of — the Oasis Dufferin community.

During our time at Oasis, we had the privilege of working within a community center that doubles as a crucial resource for those facing food insecurity. Oasis not only serves as a food bank, but also functions as a hub for community engagement and support.

Our initial involvement with Oasis began through volunteering at the food bank, an experience that left a lasting impression on us. The atmosphere is one of warmth and compassion, with volunteers generously offering their time to provide assistance. We were struck by their dedication to the mission of Oasis and their willingness to offer tours and share insights into the centre's purpose. 

While the Latin community is predominant, Oasis welcomes people from all backgrounds and walks of life. Through interactions with community members, we gained valuable insights into the impact of Oasis on their lives. Their stories underscore the vital role Oasis plays, particularly during challenging times such as the pandemic. Oasis is always safe space where community members can receive resources, build friendships and learn new things. 

One notable aspect of Oasis's approach to addressing food insecurity is the layout of the food bank itself. Mirroring a grocery store setup, individuals can browse and select items according to their needs. This thoughtful arrangement fosters a sense of autonomy among recipients, making them more receptive to utilizing the food bank's services. 

Our practicum was centered around the food bank. We choose the goal of improving health and nutrition among community members, while providing new and exciting ways to utilize food bank ingredients. This led to our Latin-recipes inspired cookbook! This cookbook is a practical and easy to use resource, as it offers many substitutions, nutrition facts, and has even been taste tested by our team (and Oasis) to ensure the recipes are manageable and delicious.

After receiving feedback from community stakeholders in the development of this cookbook, we also decided to add a dynamic component to it and offer recipe cards for community members to fill out. Creating this cookbook not only enabled us to put ourselves in the shoes of users, but also enlightened us on different cooking practices and the interconnection between community and sharing a good meal. 

Overall, our time at Oasis was characterized by a profound sense of community and purpose. It was inspiring to witness firsthand the positive impact of Oasis on the lives of those it served. Through its commitment to inclusivity, dignity, and compassion, Oasis exemplifies the power of community-driven initiatives in addressing essential needs and fostering resilience.

by Amir Hamzeh, Liam Jackman, Maryam Mahjoob, Abigail Iyekekpolor


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